
乔治梅森大学(George Mason University,简称GMU)是美国著名的一级国家级大学,也是近十年来在美国迅速崛起的一所主要的大学。学校正式成立于1972年,招收了来自130多个国家和50多个州的33,000多名学生。前身是弗吉尼亚大学的附属学院(成立于1954年),独立后锐意拓展,在短短的40多年间就诞生了两位诺贝尔经济学奖获得者和三位普利策奖得主。以经济学科最为出名,其他相当重要的学科,还有公共政策、心理学、工程、计算机,法学,大众传播和音乐。




Applicants for the LL.M. in U.S. Law program must have a first degree in law from a non-U.S. law school.


Applicants should have their law school transcripts authenticated and evaluated by an agency approved by the California Bar.


Applicants must submit a course-by-course transcript evaluation.


Applicants must also submit a curriculum vitae/resume; brief personal statement; proof of English proficiency; and Government-issued photo identification.

Required Courses (7 credit hours)

Introduction to United States Law

Economics for Lawyers

Professional Responsibility

Electives (19 credit hours)

Courses included in the list of electives represent fundamental tenants of United States Law and reflect the type of introductory substantive and theoretical material that U.S. attorneys are expected to possess. These courses also match-up with courses that provide eligibility for sitting for a bar examination in the United States.

Administrative Law (Under development; not offered in Fall 2018)

Business Associations

Civil Procedure

Conflict of Laws

Constitutional Law I: Structure of Government

Constitutional Law II: The 14th Amendment

Contracts I

Corporate Tax

Criminal Law

Criminal Procedure: Investigation


Family Law

Immigration Law (Under development; not offered in Fall 2018)

Income Tax

International Law (Under development; not offered in Fall 2018)

Intro. to Legal Research, Writing, & Analysis


Legislation and Statutory Interpretation

Perspetives on Regulation


Secured Finance


Trusts and Estates

Unincorporated Business Entities